Literacy Pro

The ability to read and comprehend is vital to a student’s self-confidence. Through reading a student gains knowledge and understanding. This gives the student the confidence to actively participate in the learning process in class and derive enjoyment from being at school. The Literacy Pro reading program at Dudley Park Primary School is a research-based, blended literacy program which is individualised to encourage students to read texts matched to their abilities, allowing them to gain valuable reading practice and build comprehension skills. It enhances student’s reading ability and fosters interest and enjoyment in reading.

All students in Years 3-6 have the opportunity to participate in an on-line comprehension program for home and classroom reading. Students are able to monitor their progress and goals and teachers are provided with meaningful data and reports to facilitate reading development. After completing an on-line comprehension test, students are allocated a Lexile score that matches a huge variety of reading books which are borrowed through the Reading Resource room.

The book is read during Silent Reading in class and can also be taken home. When they have finished reading, students log onto the Literacy Pro Website and complete an on-line multiple choice comprehension quiz. To pass the quiz and receive Lexile points they must score 7/10 or higher.  After each successful quiz the students are allocated points. When students reach 10, 20, 30, 40 & 60 points, they receive a Lexile certificate and are acknowledged at assemblies.