The Child and Parent Centre at Dudley Park Primary School offers a range of services and programs for families with children from birth to eight years of age.
All of the programs are tailored to meet the needs of the community and include workshops like the Triple P and other parent help programs to help ensure you and your children are ready for school. Onsite we have a friendly Child Health Nurse and Speech Pathologist.
The Co-ordinator of the local Best Start program regularly runs an Aboriginal and Carers playgroup where families can connect together through cultural play for children.
We have a Child and Family Counselling service, Yarning Circle, and a Carers Connect group for people caring for their family member with mental health illnesses.
Rhyme Time is also a regular language and reading program where we sing songs, action rhymes and share great books. This is a great way for parents and carers to introduce babies to the fun and enjoyment of sharing nursery rhymes.
The Child and Parent Centre at Dudley Park is managed by Anglicare WA in partnership with Dudley Park Primary School.
For further information please telephone 9537 5603 or download the new free app by going into your app store and typing Child and Parent Centre Dudley Park.