Apply to Enrol

We like to ensure a smooth start for new students who arrive at Dudley Park Primary School and as such new students and their parents or carers are required to meet with the Principal or Deputy Principal prior to enrolment. This allows the school to obtain a better understanding of the child’s educational and social background and offers the parent an opportunity to meet with our staff and inform the school of any special needs or concerns that the child may have.  Admissions are subject to approval by the school Principal.

Parents must apply to enrol their child at the school.  Application forms are available from administration or from the below link. Completed Applications for Enrolment can be either handed into the office or emailed to

Please also provide the child’s birth certificate, immunisation history and proof of address (this must be a utility bill e.g. Gas, electricity, water or a lease agreement. Note: Phone accounts/ drivers licence not accepted). If your child was not born in Australia, please also provide the child’s passport and visa.

To download the Application for Enrolment for Kindergarten to Year 6, please click on the below link.

Kindergarten applications are open for 2025. Please complete the Application Form online or see reception. As this is not compulsory applications will be considered on a case by case basis.

Dudley Park Primary School