Dudley Park Primary School has an active and supportive P&C Association which manages school fundraising events and donations. The P&C helps Dudley Park Primary School by:
- Running community events such as Discos, Mother’s and Father’s Day Stalls, Sausage Sizzles and more.
- Providing extra resources for the students through money raised.
President– Siobhan Barwick
Vice President– Rebecca Johnson
Secretary– Traci Powell
Treasurer– Chloe Macri-Smith
Membership is $1.00 per annum. This allows you to be a financial member and attend meetings and hold a vote. We are always looking for that special someone that has a special skill, hobby or ability to strengthen the ever -growing team of volunteers which is made up of mums, dads, nans, pops, aunts, uncles and friends. Our students deserve the very best and this is one way that we can help ensure this happens. Our motto is ‘FOR THE KIDS’. If you are interested in becoming a member, please complete the Membership Form below and email to dudleyparkpc@gmail.com